Monday, September 21, 2009

British Pound Decline May Be Indicative of Long-Term UK Macro Outlook

The British pound was easily the weakest of the majors last week as the currency fell more than 3 percent against the euro, Swiss franc, and Canadian dollar. Likewise, the British pound slumped 2.4 percent against the US dollar and 1.7 percent versus the Japanese yen. While some indicators from the nation have shown signs of improvement, such as the RICS house price index, fiscal data has done nothing but deteriorate, adding pressure on the British pound. In fact, public sector net borrowing in the UK jumped a whopping 16.1 billion pounds during August as income tax receipts fell 13 percent from a year ago. Even worse, the deficit reached 127 billion pounds in August from a year ago, and the steady rise suggests that the shortfall may breach Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling’s full-year forecasts for a deficit of 175 billion pounds.

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